Unlock your true potential, find inner peace, and achieve happiness

Transformational Life Coaching, Holistic Therapy, and Spiritual Guidance

Highly qualified and experienced coach, trainer, author and holistic therapist.

Since 2008, Leanne has been instrumental in guiding clients towards discovering their life’s purpose, manifesting their ideal partner, achieving remarkable financial growth, securing job promotions, and successfully growing or selling their businesses.

Here for you

  • If you feel stuck, or found yourself at a cross roads
  • When you’ve tried to improve your current situation but you’re getting nowhere fast
  • If you’re struggling with a challenge and need to work through the solution
  • To improve your mood, feel positive about life, and manifest abundance
  • When you’re ready to welcome in more success, wealth and happiness
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Wellbeing & Mindfulness

Unwind, heal, and gain a fresh perspective.  Feel supported on your journey towards renewed wellbeing

Transformative Coaching

Our collaborative partnership offers support, guidance, and accountability to help you create positive change in your life 

Learning & Development

Embark on a transformative journey towards a positive mindset, equipped to conquer any obstacle 

Life | Business | Career

1:1 Coaching

It's essential to establish a strong rapport and trust between you and your life coach as they will be guiding you through transformative experiences. Take this important step in determining if life coaching is right for you by booking a chemistry session today. Invest in yourself and embark on a journey towards unlocking your true potential.

Life | Business | Career

1:1 Coaching

It's essential to establish a strong rapport and trust between you and your life coach as they will be guiding you through transformative experiences. Take this important step in determining if life coaching is right for you by booking a chemistry session today. Invest in yourself and embark on a journey towards unlocking your true potential.

Mindfulness Books

LITTLE BOOKS .. to relieve stress and anxiety, increase confidence, manifest, increase your energy and generally enhance your life. Buy individually or as a set - for you or a friend

Working Mum Book & Course

Based on true coaching client stories, but told in a fun and magical “story telling” way, this practical book is a very easy read and takes little time to absorb the powerful life changing coaching lessons shared.

Mindfulness Books

LITTLE BOOKS .. to relieve stress and anxiety, increase confidence, manifest, increase your energy and generally enhance your life. Buy individually or as a set - for you or a friend

Working Mum Book & Course

Based on true coaching client stories, but told in a fun and magical “story telling” way, this practical book is a very easy read and takes little time to absorb the powerful life changing coaching lessons shared.

Design Your Perfect Life

Unlock your fullest potential with this bite-sized course, designed to transform your life and attract the abundance you desire. Whether it's finding your perfect life partner, advancing in your career, or growing your business, this course has got you covered. Embrace change and create the life you've always dreamed of.

Design Your Perfect Life

Unlock your fullest potential with this bite-sized course, designed to transform your life and attract the abundance you desire. Whether it's finding your perfect life partner, advancing in your career, or growing your business, this course has got you covered. Embrace change and create the life you've always dreamed of.